Get qualified with us!
Welcome to Cosmetic Campus
We offer detailed information on how to qualify your employees in the cosmetic industry. Sign up here!
Check out the main topics of our upcoming seminars/workshops and the speakers.
We hope you will enjoy your training with Cosmetic Campus.
In-house seminars: Do you know our in-house seminars?
Optionally we can present some of our seminars/workshops at your business premises.
It is our pleasure to prepare your individual seminar.
Interested? We are looking forward to hearing from you. Contact us.
C-GMP ISO 22716 Seminar in March 2017
Our C-GMP ISO 22716 seminar in March 2017 will be scheduled in the beginning of January!
Successful training is based on feedback, suggestions and review of our participants. Our seminars are continuously optimized by adjusting training methods and contents thanks to those results.
Please have a look at some of our Cosmetic Campus course impressions: Explore the impressions

Cosmetic Campus Seminars
more information about dates, content and venues of our seminars in the year 2018.
Check out our seminars

We also offer literature concerning for the cosmetic industry.
You can buy them here!

Please have a look at some of our Cosmetic Campus course impressions:
Explore the impressions